Hello, everyone :)
I realize this is going to sound like a joke, but I assure you, what I
am about to tell you, I actually just saw on my desktop.
I logged in to my user account and su'd into root to compile a newer
version of ImageMagick. I left the terminal window iconified at the
bottom of the screen and didn't think anything of it. (Remember, at
this point, I had a window minimized that was su'd into root) Oh yeah,
I have KDE as my default desktop, with 12 icons on it that I put there.
Since I rarely log in directly into root, I never changed it's default
setting from the one that you get after you install Red Hat 8, so root
basically has Gnome as it's default desktop, with only the three icons
on the desktop that Red Hat places there by default. Ok, here's where
it gets strange: when I proceeded to close out all my windows that were
open, and I got down to the desktop, I was rather suprised to see that I
was looking at the root desktop! I was logged into KDE, and I was
looking at a Gnome desktop. I clicked on terminal window icon in my
taskbar (still KDE) and the window said I was logged in as Steve. When
I clicked on the Home Directory icon on the Desktop (not the taskbar:
The taskbar was KDE, the desktop was displaying as GNOME), it took me to
/root, and I had all the permissions as if I was logged in as root. (By
the way, by this time the terminal window that had been su'd into root
was closed.) Oh yeah, the KDE menu at the bottom left was still KDE,
not GNOME.
When I logged out, and logged back in (into the same account that I was
in when I experienced the events described above), everything was back
to normal.
In closing, I realize that I can run GNOME apps in KDE, and KDE apps in
GNOME: that is not what we are dealing with here. I hope I described
what happened clearly enough to make it clear that I was logged into KDE
as a regular user, and I ended up with my root desktop, which is GNOME,
with all the permissions and priveledges that root is entitled to.
I'd love to report this as a bug, but I have no idea how to reproduce
it. If you'd like me to report it like I described it above, please let
me know.