From: "Chip" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I don't specifically know of an App in Linux to mount an ISO and pull
> RPM's off it but there is one for Windows.  Matter of fact, that's how I
> installed RH 8.0.  I downloaded all the ISO's then mounted it and copied
> all of the files into a folder on my Win Box.  Next I setup an FTP
> server on my Windows box.  I made the boot floppies for RH 8.0 and told
> it to install via FTP server and pointed it to my Windows box.  Across a
> 100Mb Network the install is very fast.  
> Daemon Tools (Used to mount an ISO in Windows):
> Nifty little FTP Server:
> Enjoy!

On the other hand once you learn Linux you will discover no application is
needed. You simply mount it using the loopback device.

/usr/cdrom/xxx.iso /usr/cdrom iso9660 user,rw,loop=/dev/loop2 0 0

And then use "cp" as normal for copying them off. However, this is no
help if there is a hardware problem. And randomly placed errors that
come and go indicate a hardware problem not a media problem. The person
who asked for this trick had forgotten he was draining the swamp and
was distracted by an alligator two counties away.


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