--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm running pine and now that I'm on 8.0 my pine
> index does not show any 
> fields if any of the characters are not vanilla.
> Ferinstance, If I was to 
> get a message from Anna with an umlaut over the
> first A, then the index 
> would show a blank from field, even though the name
> would display fine 
> when I look at the message.
> Anyone know how to fix this?

Actually, while bugzilla'ing a few things last night I
saw a report of problems with umlaut's... you may want
to search for it. I didn't read it, so I don't know
what it says. You may want to try messing with your
LANG settings in /etc/sysconfig/i18n though and
setting it to something a bit more sane than the

Kevin C. McConnell --RHCE-- <Red Hat Certified Engineer>

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