I love RedHat 8.0 and have installed it on 2 laptops (updates)
and one desktop (fresh install). However, it's not without its
glitches. I have several questions for the list:

1. Man pages have strange characters in them.
After doing an install of 8.0, man (e.g., man man)
displays the man page with occasional a^ (^ over the a)
symbols and the "-"s are missing. Is this a LOCALE issue?
I do not see this problem on my laptop (RH 7.3 updated to 8.0).

2. Can't launch up2date.

On my laptop, while logged in as a user, I tried to launch up2date.
I got the prompt for the root PW, entered it then nothing happened.
I tried to launch it from an xterm, logged in as root; up2date seems
to hang. From the root login, up2date-nox seemed to hang as well.

3. RPM hung for all operations until reboot.

Yesterday on a desktop, I tried loading mozilla 1.1. The RPM hung.
I killed it. I tried doing queries, installs, --rebuilddb, etc. Each program
hung. I finally tried the **Windows (C)(R) Microsoft ** solution of
reboot and upon login, rpm worked fine and I could update Mozilla.

A reply with suggestions/fixes would be most welcomed.
Wade Hampton

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