On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Eric Potvin wrote:

> A) DHCP on lynkis is ON and working, I see the linux box on the DHCP table
> from the Lynsis and
> B) the eth0 card is assigned the IP from the lynksis, everything is fine
> there.
> Now the rest,
> C) The setting appearing in /etc/resolv.conf is: nameserver
> (which is the Lynksis IP, the default gateway)
> D) I test by simply trying to access a web page with mozilla. And the RedHat
> automatic Update can't connect either.
> E) Error message is "<WebSite> could not be found. Check address..."

Your linksys router is not a DNS server. Set your nameserver properly, 
and your site will be found. 

I bet if you knew the IP address of the site, it would show up in 


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