Hi folks.  I spent the last few days experimenting with Red Hat 8.0 plus
Eric Harrison's LTSP packages.  Here are my initial notes.

* Sometimes when I "X -query" into the server and login to Gnome, all of
the icons and background becomes corrupted and unusable until I log out
and log back in.  This seems to occur randomly.
When I hit PrintScreen the Gnome screenshot preview window shows a
completely blue picture.  When I save and open that PNG file, it is
completely black.
I don't know if this occurs with a LTSP client yet.  I am doing further
testing tonight.
* StarOffice 6.0 seems to be broken in RH 8.  Installation works fine,
but it simply freezes forever after the Splash screen when you attempt
to run the applications.  Anyone know a solution to this?

* Gnome logins seem to be broken, ESD is to blame.  It freezes during
the Splash screen during login.  If I manually kill the esd process
login completes and I am able to use the desktop.
Strangely it doesn't freeze during login like this when I use an X query
from my Red Hat 8.0 laptop with "X -query".
Edit /etc/esd.conf and change autoconf=0.

* Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.6
Download these handy RPM packages from
http://www.gurulabs.com/downloads.html.  They contain a workaround to
make acroread work in RH 8.0, which otherwise crashes because it doesn't
know how to handle the UTF-8 LANG locale.  The other package is a simple
plugin for Mozilla that embeds acroread within the browser, just like it
works in Windows.  Very nice.

Warren Togami
Mid-Pacific Linux Users Group

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