On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Oisin C. Feeley wrote:

> On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> > On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Elton Woo wrote:
> > 
> > > Is there or will there be a Canadian Red Hat Road Tour?
> > > If so, where may one find details on it?
> > 
> > you know, before everyone gets their knickers in a knot
> > over this RH tour, it might be worth pointing out that
> > you can learn darn near everything you need on these
> > very red hat mailing lists.   unless someone who's actually
> > *been* to one of those things can fill us in on what
> > we're missing.

Agreed, but it was nice to have a face to face meeting with the developers
and QA guys. FWIW I asked enough questions to get a Black "Red Hat" hat!! :-) 
The road tour guys had REd Red Hat hats :-( They did not give out 
T-Shirts in Phila.

> I went to one last night (los angeles) and I think that Robert is correct, 
> in fact if you hang out on these lists you may be a little disappointed 
> with the tour if you're expecting to get amazingly detailed info.

One thing they did in Phila was to break into 2 groups. Newbee and more 
advanced. Since they did not have 2 rooms the "more advanced" group got to
stand outside in the cold, but it was still interesting.

> I learnt three main things:
> 1. The GNOME-Start menu duplicate entries for mouse/keyboard configuration 
> in SystemSettings and Preferences have confused lots of people and this 
> layout will be changed.
> 2. Quite a few people are unhappy with the fact that the 
> minimal-recommended memory usage for a graphical workstation is 192Mb.  
> Someone (Dan Kegel?) pointed out that the rhn "throbber" in the panel uses 
> 12Mb!
> 3. Don't go expecting to get a t-shirt (my main reason for attending!).  
> Of an audience of approximately 45 there were three t-shirts.  The guy 
> handing them out explained that their normal procedure is to give them to 
> the people that ask the most questions.  Lots of disappointed people 
> wandered off not quite consoled with the key-chain and demo-copy of Psyche 
> (3 cdroms, contains no devel-libs).

Hummm, My sample cd collection only had 2 cd's in it. Not of much use to me 
actually. Just what I need a crippeled version of RHL 8.0.

> All in all, it was interesting, but technically less so than this list, 
> and the efficiency of discussion was lower.
> (Also I was really disappointed not to get a t-shirt!)

It was after all a marketing tour. Sponsered by our friends at IBM. 
I still think it was worth it though, but I got a hat!! :-))

.............Tom        "Nothing would please me more than being able to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     hire ten programmers and deluge the hobby market 
                        with good software." -- Bill Gates 1976

                        We are still waiting ....

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