
1) I selected custom install and I manually partitioned my hardrive, I have the following partitions in my notebooks hardrive: /boot, /opt, /home, /var and /, since I'd like to preserve my personal files at /home, software I installed manually like Oracle, Acrobat and Rational Rose at /opt, my mysql/postgresql/bind databases at /var, I selected to keep them untouched by Disk Druid. After the installation finished I found out that the installation preserved my databases but it trashed the
RPM database keeping the information from the previous installation.

Is this the expected behaviour ?

What would I do with the duplicate entries in the RPM database ?

2) I noticed that a bug I reported in limbos mailing list is still showing up: the installation asks me if I want to create a boot disk, even though I don't have a floppy drive. If I select YES, the installation hangs. (yes I know that I can skip this step selecting NO)

I'm just trying to come up with how could I create a boot disk even if I don't have a floppy drive ?

Best Regards,

Alessandro Oliveira
Nuno Ferreira Cargas Internacionais Ltda.
Phone: +55-11-3241-2000
Fax : +55-11-3242-9891

It's trivial to make fun of Microsoft products, but it takes a real man to make them work, and a god to make them do anything useful.

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