a few (some nitpicky) observations regarding installing psyche on an inspiron 8100:
1) as with previous versions of red hat, when i manually partition with disk druid and choose to keep the same partitioning, i get a warning dialog about disk geometry but am told that i'm safe to "ignore" this warning. amusingly, i have to press "ignore" *twice* to get past this dialog. i did another install, just to convince myself that pressing it once just left the dialog there, while the second button press finally made it go away. not serious, just weird. 2) disk druid *still* does not accept mount points that contain a period, even though those are perfectly valid mount points. that issue was bugzilla'ed long ago -- is there a reason it's still an issue? 3) upon exit, the installation process still generates a slew of anaconda errors, line 107. while i'm sure that errors like this upon exit from the install won't cause any problems, it's just really aesthetically unappealing, and may make new red hat users very nervous that they've done something wrong. again, this was bugzilla'ed quite some time ago, yet is still there. rday