On Thu, 3 Oct 2002, Alexander Volovics wrote:

> Hello.
> I have installed psyche on 3 pc's up to now and on 2 of them
> (including a dell i7000) hwbrowser works perfectly.
> But on a dell i8100 laptop it crashes everytime.
> I get the following message in the terminal:
> (DeviceList.py:1165): GnomeCanvas-CRITICAL **: file gnome-canvas-path-def.c:
>  line 1142 (gnome_canvas_path_def_any_closed): assertion `path != NULL' failed
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/share/hwbrowser/DeviceList.py", line 203, in ?
>     reread_device_type_list ()
>   File "/usr/share/hwbrowser/DeviceList.py", line 150, in reread_device_type_lis
> t
>     list.set (iter, 0, hardware.get_category_string (key), 1, key)
>   File "/usr/share/hwbrowser/DeviceList.py", line 91, in get_category_string
>     return self.type_mapping[key]
> KeyError: 20
> The lines:
> (DeviceList.py:1165): GnomeCanvas-CRITICAL **: file gnome-canvas-path-def.c:
>  line 1142 (gnome_canvas_path_def_any_closed): assertion `path != NULL' failed
> are first repeated about 10 times (and are also seen when shutting down X).
> I compared the files "/usr/share/hwbrowser/DeviceList.py" on the 3
> different PC's but the one on the i8100 did not differ from the others.
> Anybody else see something like this?
> Could I be missing some python thingy somewhere on the i8100 or is this
> failure of hwbrowser hardware related?

i just tried it on my 8100 and got exactly the same result.  i did an
"everything" install so i shouldn't be missing anything that hwbrowser
would need.  bugzilla time, methinks.


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