Did you try Preferences/Fonts in Gnome menu?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: José Romildo Malaquias [mailto:romildo@;uber.com.br]
> Sent: Wed, October 02, 2002 9:40 PM
> Cc: José Romildo Malaquias
> Subject: How to change the font size in the desktop?
> Hello.
> I have just installed RHL 8.0 on my computer
> and the X Window System is configured to
> run at the resolution of 1920x1440. That is
> nice, but I am getting too small fonts on the
> screen, making it difficult to read most of
> the text.
> How can someone change the font size used by
> the GNOME2 desktop?
> Romildo
> --
> Prof. Jos� Romildo Malaquias
> Departamento de Computa��o - Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
> http://www.decom.ufop.br/prof/romildo/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://uber.com.br/romildo/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
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