----- Original Message -----
From: "Havoc Pennington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: SMB working in nautilus

> > Prior to the 8.0 release you could browse SMB shares in nautilus
> > by typing "smb://".  This would show you all available shares on
> > your network but if you tried to enter one it would never prompt
> > you for a login ID or password.  Now it seems you can't even
> > browse the shares.  Is anyone else able to either browse the
> > shares or actually use them after providing your credentials.
> Make sure you have gnome-vfs2-extras installed.
> Havoc

I have gnome-vfs2-extras installed.  When I try to browse "smb://" I get a
pop-up box saying:
Couldn't display "smb:", because no host "(null)" could be found.  Check the
spelling is correct and that your proxy settings are correct.

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