Wade Hampton wrote:

On my Redhat 8.0 box with Mozilla 1.1, I have printing issues. Printing
some simple table pages (see prior post), resulted in very large ps files
that took gv several seconds to load and render (e.g., the list of computer
language popularity referenced from http://www.php.net).

I guess you mean this page http://www.php.net/usage.php
Moz1.1 on a Sun Ultra10, prints it fine. The color PS file is
big, 1.7M, but loaded fin with GNU Ghostscript 6.53.

Trying Moz-1.0.,1-26, on a 800MHz Athlon, w/RHL-8.0,
is fine too. Same 1.7M file, and views fine with GNU Ghostscript 7.05
there. Sounds like a system configuration problem.

Can you add the PS file that causes problems to a bugzill bug and post the bug number?


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