Thomas Dodd wrote:

Wade Hampton wrote:

Martin Stricker wrote:

The only place to find real beer is Germany! ;=D Prost!

You non-Americans don't appreciate our excellent beers
like Bud and Coors.  They have REAL flavor and REAL body.

Have you ever tried a real beer? Not the crapy imports like Lowenbau (where's that umlaut, damned keyboard)
or Heinekin. The only taste I've found in the like of Budweiser, Coor, or Miller is
the after taste, and none have any body.
I love "real" beer and HATE Bud, Coors, etc.  I spent some time
in Seattle and found some excellent microbrews.  I like German
beer, but my favorite is Guiness (but depends on my mood and
how hot it is outside).

Wade Hampton

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