Did you try 

When reading your messages file, did it give you a dev location?  It
does seem like it automounted.  Did you try just copying anything to
/mnt/diskonkey ?  That is where you would copy things.  You might want
to look at permissions on the "directory" first, it may just be owned by


On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 23:59, Robert L. Cochran wrote: 
> I recently bought an M-Systems 128 Mb Disk-On-Key (version 2.51). When I
> plug this into the USB port of a Linux computer that has never been used
> with this device before, it seems to create a directory
> '/mnt/diskonkey'. The directory never existed before. It disappears when
> you unmount and then unplug the disk key.
> looking at /var/log/messages shows the disk key being registered as a
> USB mass storage device. But there is nothing about it creating
> directories on my system.
> How can this be done? Users other than root can't create files on /mnt.
> How did my disk key suddenly get root access?
> By the way, the disk key works great. I currently have the
> kernel-source-2.4.18-17.8.0 rpm on it It's nice to be able to hot plug a
> disk into a machine and copy over needed files. I just wish I could boot
> off one of these.
> Thanks
> Bob Cochran
> Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
> -- 
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