Hi Julia, 

What exactly do you mean by "the latest version" ? That doesn't mean much.

I vaguely remember there was a problem with symptoms similar to what you 
but  thought it had been fixed several years ago.

So perhaps what you consider to be "the latest version" is different from

Also, when reporting problems in software, you are more likely to get someone
to take an interest in the problem if you state:

1.  The version number and release of the program concerned.
2.  The operating system you are using.
3.  An example of the input which causes the problem.
4.  A detailed desciption of how to provoke the erroneous behaviour.
5.  Any other information which might help the developers reproduce it. 

For hints on how to write useful bug reports see



On Thu, Jun 08, 2017 at 04:50:57PM -0700, Julia Klausli, Ph.D. wrote:
     My students have had problems with running t-tests in PSPP.  They just 
downloaded the latest version today.
     Every time they define the groups the program shuts down. 
     Any thoughts?
     Julia Klausli, Ph.D.
     Assistant Professor for Psychology
     Institute for the Psychological Sciences
     jklausli....@divinemercy.edu <http://jklausli....@divinemercy.edu/>
     Divine Mercy University
     2001 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Suite 511
     Arlington, VA 22202
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