On Wed, Feb 08, 2017 at 10:53:19PM +0000, Paul Teska wrote:
     I have a slightly older computer vista.I did the download for??
     pspp4windowsPSPP is a program for statistical analysis of sampled data
     I get an error.It says for 64 bit computer. ??My computer is 32 bit.
     Can you please send me a link to download a 32 bit for PSPP.
     Paul Teskapteska@yahoo.com903-339-1132

The pspp project itself does now offer precompiled binaries for download.
However we do have links to third parties which do offer such downloads.
You can find this list at https://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/get.html
You don't say which operating system or architecture you are wanting but
hopefully you will find what you are looking for there.

Some of these providers offer 32bit versions, some offer 64bit versions
and some offer both.

I hope this helps.

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