> From: armita.atab...@bwl.uni-mannheim.de 
> To: pspp-users@gnu.org 
> Subject: PSPP & Windows 10 
> Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2015 10:21:08 +0100 
> Hi all, 
> I am using the GNU PSPP version 0.8.5-gdaa1fe (downloaded from:  
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/pspp4windows/) for one of my teaching  
> classes. We use the operation system Windows 7. 
> One of my students told me that it is not possible to install this PSPP  
> version with the operation system Windows 10. As I did not find any  
> information on this issue in the internet,  I was wondering whether you  
> would be able to help me out. Is this information correct? And if so,  
> is there any other PSPP version that would run with Windows 10? 
> Cheers, 
> Armita 

Hello Armita, is very good to use PSPP in education.

I tried pspp4windows in Windows 10, and it works perfectly. (0.8.5-gdaa1fe and 
I think the inability to install pspp is due to the architecture of the 
operating system.

Try to review the architecture of the OS: Control Panel | System and Security | 

There, you will find a section called "system type" where he will tell whether 
the OS is 32 or 64 bit. 
With that information, go to the website pspp4windows and select the 
appropriate file (has the word "32bit or 64bit" in the filename)

Try again.


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