On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 11:05:41AM -0400, Jeremy Lavergne wrote:
     Yes. He'd like you to run `make check` in the downloaded PSPP source code 
to see if it succeeds.
     That is, during `./configure && make && make install` you can also run 
`make check`.
     On Oct 23, 2013, at 10:53 AM, Roberto Roggiero wrote:
     > After your tip to install the dev files, I was able to install.
     > I don't understand your question about the tests. Does pspp have some
     > internal test to perform?

Jeremy is right.  Please run "make check" and let us know what happens.  
According to the debian website some tests were failing, which was the reason 
they decided to remove pspp from the distribution.


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