Nestes dois parágrafos há algo nítido sobre a diferença de ambos. Por
que será que o mercado foge da política ética e faz os desenvolvedores
fugirem de políticas éticas para a Tecnologia da Informação? Estamos em
tempos que precisamos obter metas para atingir a sustentabilidade social
e ambiental de nossa sociedade nesse finito grão chamado Terra com 7
bilhões de pessoas (e subindo) de população e os mercados (o maior poder
do mundo) querem pensar apenas no que gera mais e mais dinheiro. Que não
é errado, mas encher as pessoas de entretenimento em vez de conhecimento
NÃO É uma forma de obter tal sustentabilidade.

    Stallman is highly idiosyncratic, to put it mildly, and there are
    many geeks who don't share his agenda. Plenty of developers
    contributed to "free software" projects for reasons that had nothing
    to do with politics. Some, like Linus Torvalds, the Finnish creator
    of the much-celebrated Linux operating system, did so for fun; some
    because they wanted to build more convenient software; some because
    they wanted to learn new and much-demanded skills.

    Once the corporate world began expressing interest in free software,
    many nonpolitical geeks sensed a lucrative business opportunity. As
    technology entrepreneur Michael Tiemann put it in 1999, while
    Stallman's manifesto "read like a socialist polemic . . . I saw
    something different. I saw a business plan in disguise." Stallman's
    rights-talk, however, risked alienating the corporate types.
    Stallman didn't care about offending the suits, as his goal was to
    convince ordinary users to choose free software on ethical grounds,
    not to sell it to business types as a cheaper or more efficient
    alternative to proprietary software. After all, he was trying to
    launch a radical social movement, not a complacent business association.

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