A página sobre "The Deluxe Distribution" obtido no website
registrado no dia 26 de Janeiro de 1998 é:

          The Deluxe Distribution

    [image of the Head of a GNU] (jpeg 7k)
    (jpeg 21k)
    no gifs due to patent problems

    The Free Software Foundation
    offers a service called the Deluxe Distribution. _For five thousand
    dollars_, we compile all the GNU software for your choice of
    computing platform. Then we send you the binaries together with the
    sources. The Deluxe Distribution also includes all our CD-ROMs, our
    printed manuals and reference cards, and six GNU T-shirts (your
    choice of available sizes and colors).

    If your office uses GNU software a great deal, and you feel it is
    appropriate for the office to give the GNU Project a substantial
    contribution in return, ordering
    a Deluxe Distribution is a good way of doing it. It is also a
    convenient way of getting all the GNU software built for your machine.

    Building a Deluxe Distribution does not include porting programs to
    a platform that they do not support. However, when we run across
    minor portability problems and compilation errors for a platform
    that is supposed to be supported, we generally fix them so we can
    produce a binary.

    Because of the value received, the payment for the Deluxe
    Distribution is not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution;
    however, it would normally qualify as a business expense when the
    order comes from a business.

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