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Title: São Paulo Legislative Assembly Passes OER Bill
Author: Timothy Vollmer
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 15:44:27 -0200
Link: http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/36081

Last year we wrote about[1] the introduction of an OER bill in Brazil. 
Yesterday, the State of São Paulo approved PL 989/2011, which establishes a 
policy whereby educational resources developed or purchased with government 
funds must be made freely available to the public under an open copyright 
license. The Governor must sign the bill for it to become law. You can view the
bill text (Portuguese) linked from the State Assembly website[2].
[image 4][3]

Brasao Estado Sao Paulo Brasil[3]
Public Domain

State-funded educational materials must be made available on the web or on a 
government portal. They must be licensed for free use, including copying, 
distribution, download and creation of derivative works, provided that the 
author retains attribution, the materials are used non-commercially, and the 
materials are licensed under the same license as the original. Essentially, the
legislation language suggests a CC BY-NC-SA[5] license, even if not 
specifically stated.

Congratulations to the State of São Paulo for passing this law. We’ve seen 
similar policies[6] enacted in Poland, Canada, and the United States. PL 
989/2011 will set a powerful positive precedent for other countries to follow, 
and São Paulo will be contributing to the worldwide movement to create a shared
commons of high-quality Open Educational Resources.

For more information on these developments see the Recursos Educacionais 
Abertos site[7].

[1]: http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/27698 (link)
[3]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File%3ABrasao_Estado_SaoPaulo_Brasil.svg 
[5]: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ (link)
[6]: http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/35563 (link)
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