At worst, you can use a cronjob script to perform your KQL query 
periodically, write its results to a file in prometheus text-based 
exposition format 
then pick it up using node_exporter textfile collector (or even just serve 
it as a static HTTP web page and have prometheus scrape it directly)

On Thursday 1 August 2024 at 10:38:55 UTC+1 Venkatraman Natarajan wrote:

> Hi Team,
> I have application insights which I am able to query using KQL and show 
> the result in Azure.
> I need to store the queried result in prometheus database. 
> Then using promQL I need to display it in grafana.
> - I have tried this 
> one; it shows only metrics not able to query using KQL. 
> - This one only 
> queries log analytics workspace not other resources.
> - This one not 
> having dimension support.
> Could you please help me with this? 
> Thanks,
> Venkatraman N

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