Q1 - yes, each route can have separate group_by section, as shown in the 

Note that if you do
*group_by: [instance]*
then you'll get one Opsgenie alert group for an instance, even if there are 
multiple problems with that instance. If you want to disable grouping 
completely, put a string with three dots between the square brackets:
*group_by: ['...']*

Q2 - I don't see why you want to put {{ $labels.instance }} in the alert 
name. It's then no longer the name of the alert, it's a combination of the 
name of the alert and the name of the instance; and to analyze the data by 
instance you'd have to parse it out of the alert.

Put it in the alert description instead.

> Having host name tag will be helpful and we can know via JIRA integration 
that how many incidents have occured for a host in past.

Surely it would be better to do this is analysis with alert labels, and 
from what I can see of the POST content you showed, Opsgenie calls these 
"tags" rather than "labels".

> It seems the alert manager needs to send another PUT request for updating 
the opsgenie tags.

Are you saying that the problem is that Alertmanager isn't updating the 
tags? But if these tags come from CommonLabels, and the alerts are part of 
a group, then the CommonLabels are by definition those which are common to 
all the alerts in the group.

It seems to me that there are two meaningful alternatives. Either:
1. multiple alerts from Prometheus are in the same group (in which case, 
it's a single alert as far as Opsgenie is concerned, and the tags are the 
labels common to all alerts in the group); or
2. you send separate alerts from Prometheus, each with their own tags, and 
then you analyze and/or group them Opsgenie-side.

If host-by-host incident analysis is what you want, then option (2) seems 
to be the way to go.

What version of Alertmanager are you running? Looking in the changelogs I 
don't see any particular recent changes, and I notice you're already using 
"update_alerts: true", but I thought it was worth checking.

## 0.25.0 / 2022-12-22

* [ENHANCEMENT] Support templating for Opsgenie's responder type. #3060

## 0.24.0 / 2022-03-24

* [ENHANCEMENT] Add `update_alerts` field to the OpsGenie configuration to 
update message and description when sending alerts. #2519
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add `entity` and `actions` fields to the OpsGenie 
configuration. #2753
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add `opsgenie_api_key_file` field to the global 
configuration. #2728
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add support for `teams` responders to the OpsGenie 
configuration. #2685

## 0.22.0 / 2021-05-21

* [ENHANCEMENT] OpsGenie: Propagate labels to Opsgenie details. #2276

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