- job_name: 'postgresql_exporter'
- targets: ['host.docker.internal:5432']

One problem I can see is that you're trying to get prometheus to scrape the 
postgres SQL port. If you go to the Prometheus web UI and look at the 
Status > Targets menu option, I think you will see it's currently failing.  
Or run the query "up == 0".

You need to change it to scrape prometheus exporter: that is port 9187, not 
port 5432.

However, before you get around to configuring prometheus, I suggest you 
first make sure that postgres-exporter itself is working properly, by 
scraping it manually:

curl x.x.x.x:9187/metrics

(or inside the exporter container you could try curl, but that depends if the container has a "curl" 

Once you're able to do that (which may also require adjusting your 
postgres_exporter.yml and/or pg_hba.conf, then move on to configuring 

On Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 21:24:18 UTC+1 Christian Sanchez wrote:

> Hello, all.
> I've started to learn Prometheus and found out about the 
> postgres_exporter. I'd like to include metrics from the PostgreSQL server I 
> have running on Google Cloud.
> I don't understand how to actually build out the postgres_exporter.yml 
> file. The prometheus-community GitHub repository 
> <https://github.com/prometheus-community/postgres_exporter> doesn't seem 
> to have examples of building this file out.
> Maybe I am not reading the README in the repo that well, but I'd like to 
> see some examples of the exporter file.
> When running the Prometheus container, this is where I'm expecting to see 
> the exporter query options (see attachment)
> I am running Prometheus and the Postgres Exporter through Docker Compose.
> Here is my docker-compose.yml file:
> version: '3'
> services:
> prometheus:
> image: prom/prometheus
> volumes:
> - "./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml"
> ports:
> - 9090:9090
> postgres-exporter:
> image: prometheuscommunity/postgres-exporter
> volumes:
> - "./postgres_exporter.yml:/postgres_exporter.yml:ro"
> ports:
> - 9187:9187
> environment:
> postgresql://my-user:my-pa...@host.docker.internal:5432/my-database?sslmode=disable
> "
> Here is my prometheus.yml file:
> global:
> scrape_interval: 45s
> scrape_configs:
> - job_name: 'prometheus'
> static_configs:
> - targets: ['localhost:9090']
> - job_name: 'postgresql_exporter'
> static_configs:
> - targets: ['host.docker.internal:5432']

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