Greg Sims:
> Here are the stats from this morning:
>   * email arrival rate: 1,000/minute
>   * email sent: 7,113
>   * MaxConnections: 17
> MaxConnections increases with the email arrival rate.  It is consistent day
> to day at a given email arrival rate.  We are currently running four
> outlook transports on different ip addresses with connection caching
> disabled.  Each of these transports are running two processes.
> Three possibilities come to mind:
>   (1) continue to ignore the MaxConnection Messages/Deferrals
>   (2) reduce the number of processes per transport to 1
>   (3) reduce the number of outlook transports to 2
> I do not believe (3) will help as I believe outlook servers are watching
> connections on a per ip basis from looking at the maillogs.  I'm leaning
> towards (2) but I am not sure of the ramifications of running one process
> per transport.  Perhaps there are other solutions I have not considered.

17 deferrals out of 7,113 deliveries is not bad.


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