Hi All,
I need your thoughts.
Some of our customers wanted us to forward all emails sent to some
recipient domains to 3rd party relay servers instead of the mail
server defined in the recipient domain's MX records.
Also they provided smtp username and password for these relay servers.
- *@foo1.bar is sent to mailprovider-X.com with foo1user + foo1pass
- *@foo2.bar is sent to mailprovider-Y.com with foo2user + foo2pass
- etc.
All is fine but I'm wondering what will happen if two or more
customers will provide the same 3rd part relay server (i.e. outlook,
gmail, etc.).
- *@foo3.bar has to be sent to bigrelay.com with foo3user + foo3pass
- *@foo4.bar has to be sent to bigrelay.com with foo4user + foo4pass
How will postfix know which user/pass belongs to which recipient
domain because the relay server will be the same.
Currently we are using "transport_maps" and "smtp_sasl_password_maps"
All advice is welcome,