Wietse asked:
What should happen with local submissions via /usr/sbin/sendmail?

On 01.06.20 19:06, Alexander Perlis wrote:
Thanks, I forgot about those, they too should go to the separate smarthost. 
Your follow-up
message passing options to pickup(8) would seem to take care of that.

so, you can use "content_filter" in main.cf and disable it on port 25
inatead. I guess you process mail coming from other servers/users on port 25
different way (e.g. milter)

 submission .. .. .. .. .. .. smtpd
   -o ...usual submission options...
   -o content_filter=smtp:filterhost.example
   -o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks

Intriguing. To indulge my desire to better understand the internals, what is 
the difference between using

 -o content_filter=smtp:filterhost.example

vs using

 -o relayhost=filterhost.example
 -o local_transport=smtp:filterhost.example

the content_filter is explicitly designed to do what you want - submit all
mail to filter, no matter where it belongs so.

using relahhost and local_transport for the same reason are hacks to get the
same, but they can be overridden by transport_maps.

?  Naively reading the documentation, I expect either case should cause all
messages to go via SMTP to filterhost.example, but the latter approach did
not work for me, and I'm curious to understand why...

there is much of mail processing, you would need to know about every

That's what content_filter is for, so you don't have to know and override
tons of different options.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory.

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