Dnia 18.05.2020 o godz. 11:50:53 yuv pisze:
> Thanks for the suggestion, Gerald.  I was hoping for something more ...
> *honest*. To claim successful delivery and silently discard a message
> is a lie. The legal term is *misrepresentation* and I am eagerly
> waiting for the client coming through my door who has been damaged by
> an email service operator that replied with a 250 and then silently
> discarded the message.

For a mail service operator it would actually be unacceptable. But for *end
recipient* it's a different story.
It's your own (ie. your company's) server, so you represent an *end
recipient*, not a mail service operator, and any action you perform, you
perform as (or on behalf of) the end recipient.
No recipient has an obligation to read all mail that's coming to them (well,
maybe lawyers view it differently? ;)). Delivered doesn't mean read. 
Accepting a message and silently discarding it is no different from deleting
a message without even opening it - only the former is automated, but this
automation is authorized by you - it's you who, as the end recipient, set
the rule to discard messages. You are absolutely allowed to do it.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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