
we're monitoring the amount of active smtpd processes to make sure, that
we do not reach the max-proc limit from master.cf.

If a client disconnects very early, the smtpd is still "unused" and
remains in server memory, waiting for the next connection.

If a server was flooded with a short peak of new connections, a server
could have $process_limit instances remaining ready-to-tun in memory.

In that situations we're seeing false positives in our monitoring.

I can't see a way how to detect those "waiting" smtpd to cound them
differently in the process list. AFAIK there's now way (except we're
counting the number of open connections with lsof/netstat).

What about the idea that Postfix flags those unused processes by
renaming them in the output of "ps"?

Dovecot has a "verbose proctitle" option where pop3/imap processes are
renamed in the process list so that they're showing the logged in user,
the state of TLS, the client IP and the last IMAP-command.

It could also be very great to have Postfix like this, showing some
informations about the connection:

smtpd [unused/virgin]
smtpd [<sasl_username>, <tls yes|no>, <client-ip>, <smtp_command>]

Could be great for analysis and to get a quick overview about what's
going on on busy servers.


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