Just bumping this :)On ons, 2018-08-22 at 14:34 +0000, jonat...@selea.se wrote:
> Some background:
> We have an Exchange 2013 server that do not seems capable of setting
> a Return-Path header when a user has Autoreply on.
> For example, I am mailing "u...@company.com" and that user has an
> Autoreply/OOTO on his/her account, exchange sends an Autoreply back
> without an "Return-Path" header which causes it to be classified as
> spam - because it is technically spoofed. Link below explains the
> issue more:
> https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/93cde90c-495
> b-4ae9-8e37-f8267f93a0ee/exchange-2013-on-prem-ooto-ndr-replies-fail-
> dmarc-authenication-outbound?forum=exchangesvrsecuremessaging
> https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/51519377-48f5-4833-
> ac0d-4128eaf9c25e/how-do-you-setup-dmarc-to-allow-null-returnpath-
> rfc5321mailfrom-messages-out-of-
> officendr?forum=onlineservicesexchange
> The "solution" I could think of is to route all the emails via a
> postfix server that adds DKIM, ARC and also a Return-Path header (or
> modify it) to a correct one.
> Is it possible?
> I have the "always_add_missing_headers = yes" directive active in
> main.cf but I am still getting this:
> Return-Path: <MAILER-DAEMON>
> Have you solved a similar issue in the past? And how did you solve
> it?
> Thanks!

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Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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