My first guess is http://www.postfix.org/DEBUG_README.html#no_chroot
Sorry, wrong guess. Your test program is not a policy server.
I see. So the example given in the online documentation can't work, and
the more complete, apparently self-sufficient example greylist.pl given
in postfix' source code can't work either. That's disturbing :-) But
okay, I had a look at Postgrey's source code and it does indeed
communicate through a socket, a feature that is definitely missing from
what I tried. I'll give it another go in a few weeks.
The examples work just fine. More likely my explanation is flawed.
Refer to the documentation and examples, which are correct.
Well I just followed that path: reading carefully the documentation and
reproducing as closely as possible the examples given within, to no avail.
The documentation does mention sockets, even though its examples don't use
them. So either way you are right :-)