On 6/3/2016 6:39 PM, Homer Wilson Smith wrote:
>      The following main.cf, thanks to Noel, blocks mail whose
> DNS is misconfigured as follows.
>      1.) IP -> nothing
>      2.) IP -> domain -> nothing
>      3.) IP -> domain -> IP2
>      It accepts only mail where
>      4.) IP -> domain -> IP
>      I find that 1 and 2 block most of the spam, and very little
> bad mail comes in via 3.
>      I would like to automatically let all mail through where
>      IP -> domain -> IP2
>      There are a small number of valid mail servers that are
> misconfigued, like when the server's IP changes, and the admin
> forgets to set the domain -> to the new IP.
>      Periodically my large corp customers ask me to white list
> IP's or domain names because they aren't getting valid mail.
> and the misconfigurations are always of this type.
>      Pointers to RTFM are welcome.

Right now you're using reject_unknown_client_hostname, which is a
very strict check and known to reject legit mail.  I expect this was
mentioned in any earlier discussions.

The other postfix built-in choice is
reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname, which rejects mail if the
client has no IP->name mapping.  This is considered generally safe
and is reasonably effective at stopping spam.

For the other possible combinations of bad DNS setup, you'll need to
use a policy service.

  -- Noel Jones

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