Hi Wietse, thanks a lot for your replies.
I've integrated a custom vacation script (similar to the famous vacation.pl which comes with postfixadmin). So users can enable vacation/atoreply in roundcube for example, once they check vacation/autoreply an new alias is created inside aliases with a special domain suffix so when postfix tries to send emails to users a this "special domain suffix" then a new transport is used which finally triggers this custom vacation.pl script. The thing is i enabled reject_authenticated_sender_login_mismatch so the script needs to authenticate using the credentials as the recipient as the user logged into Postfix needs to match the from header in the email. So the options are the ones you exposed above: Send autoreply emails through sendmail binary. Login using the same credentials as the from headers. Or login with some autoreply user and use these account in the from headers. By now i was looking for a way to send email using as credentials the ones in the from headers. On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 4:30 PM, Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> wrote: > Pau Peris: >> By your reply should i assume it's not possible to pass extra >> paramaters to the SQL query sentence? > > The Postfix SMTP smtpd_sender_login_maps feature makes the following > queries: > > 1) user@domain (complete sender address) > 2) user > 3) @domain > > Those Postfix queries contain no SQL parameters. > > You may add SQL parameters in the mysql_sender_login_maps.cf file, > but those parameters will be the same for every query. > >> Also, i suppose there's no way to authenticate against Postfix through >> the crypted password. By the way, i use pam to get to the SQL backend. > > That depends on the SASL authentication mechanism. Postfix does not > authenticate clients, it is only a proxy between the client and the > SASL library (or Dovecot). > > Coming back to the original question, why would you ever need SASL > for an autoresponder? > > Wietse -- Pau Peris Rodriguez Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Tel: 669650292 C/Balmes 211, Principal Segunda Barcelona 08006 http://www.webeloping.es Aquest correu electrònic conté informació de caràcter confidencial dirigida exclusivament al seu/s destinatari/s en còpia present. Tant mateix, queda prohibida la seva divulgació, copia o distribució a tercers sense prèvia autorització escrita per part de Pau Peris Rodriguez. En cas d'haver rebut aquesta informació per error, es demana que es notifiqui immediatament d'aquesta circumstancia mitjançant la direcció electrònica del emissor.