Thank you very much for your reply, please find my comments below.

> Michael Peter:
> [ Charset ISO-8859-1 converted... ]
>> Hi,
>> smtp      inet  n       -       -       -       100      smtpd
>> I understand that the default concurrent simultaneous incoming smtp
>> connections is 100?
> There is one connection per "smtpd" process.
>> but what about outgoing smtp connections to remote smtpd servers? how
>> many
>> connections postfix can establish for outgoing emails to different mail
>> servers simultaneously ?

Sorry, it is my mistake since i didn't ask my question correctly.

What i meant to ask, is how many outbound processes to remote email
servers can postfix handle simultaneously (in case sending emails to many
different remove hosts and not 1 specific host)

I understand that in case send to 1 host , then
transport_destination_concurrency_limit will apply. But my question is
that incase postfix is to send to 200 different remote smtpd hosts
simultaneously , then how many outbound process postfix can handle
simultaneously  as default ? and how to increase its value ?

Many thanks again.

Peter Michael

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