> Am 28.11.2014 um 20:26 schrieb Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org>:
> Christen R??ner:
>> I look for:
>> Table:
>> Lhs                        Rhs 
>> mx.some.mta        smtp:[mx.whatever.tld]:1234
> I have implemented smtp_dns_reply_filter (currently, testing), which
> matches a resource record against a (regular expression) pattern.
> At the moment supports IGNORE, but it would not be difficult to
> implement a REPLACE action. The content of the resource record have
> been "valid-hostname" sanity checked, so there is little danger of 
> malicious substitutions.
> Thus, Postfix could do
> foo.example.com. 12345 IN MX 10 bar.example.com. 
>    REPLACE foo.example.com. 12345 IN MX 10 baz.example.net.
> Similar operations for A/AAAA records,with some limitations (can
> change the last two fields only, not the fields that are determined
> by the query itself).
> Would that solve the problem?

How could a different port be specified?  If I do understand your example, this 
only replaces the host, but gives no choice to specify a port


>    Wietse

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