> Does it work successively as PHP does?

Postfix works as documented in regexp_table(5) and pcre_table(5),
i.e. each query stops at the first matching rule.

Postfix also works as documented in header_checks(5), i.e. DISCARD
causes Postfix to ignore the remainder of the message.

> Then my best bet is to separate the troubled one like this:
> /^Subject:.*\*{5}SPAM\*{5}/    DISCARD *SPAM*
> /^Subject:/                                WARN
> that is without having anything before discard*spam*. Is that correct?

That would show the subjects that don't match patterns before /^Subject:/.
> I also begin to think that there is a regexp issue somewhere. Is
> it actually possible for different Linux distros to treat regexpes
> differently requiring regexpes to be different as well?

Unlikely. Linux, as many other systems, implements the POSIX regexp
API which is controlled by an international standardization group.


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