Hello list- Our Postfix instance is set up as a relay for our Exchange server. It utilizes anti-spam and anti-viruses measures such as postscreen, clamav, and sanesecurity sigs. We want to send out an autoreply for each incoming email addressed to a specific email address listed in the relay_recipient table. I've located an appropriate vacation.pl script at https://github.com/valkum/postfixadmin/blob/cdcccddbe2e1d6758cd63899e7b8973156f1412a/VIRTUAL_VACATION/vacation.pl which could be modified for our situation (no need to reinvent the wheel).
I'm looking for a trigger that will fire off an autoreply message when it has detected an incoming email that is addressed to a specific email address in the relay_recipient table. Every autoreply posting I've seen on the Internet deals with local users using virtual addresses. But I am unable to find any information on how I can do this in a relay configuration. I looked at milters and unfortunately I cannot seem to identify one that would work in our case. PostfixAdmin seems to be overkill for a mail relay. Does anyone know how this can be accomplished? ~Doug