* Miles Fidelman <mfidel...@meetinghouse.net>:
> Hi Wietse,
> Wietse Venema wrote:
> >Wietse:
> >>The right question is "I need a message store that is replicated
> >>in multiple locations". Once you have such a message store, any
> >>number of Postfix MTAs and mail clients can use it.
> >Ramesh:
> >>Please let me know how to implement this, share me urls i will go
> >>through it how replication helps to solve our problem.
> >To find solutions, open your favorite search engine and try "cyrus
> >mailbox replication", "dovecot meailbox replication", and so on.
> >
> I've been wondering about this too, and it strikes me that "mailbox
> replication" is only relevant to local delivery.  What about
> replicating the various intermediate mail queues?  (My current HA
> setup is brute force - a failover virtual machine, with a completely
> replicated file system.  But I've been looking for ways that are
> more granular, and that are easier to do across two separate data
> centers.)

On Linux use DRBD to replicate mail queues between a pair of machines and crm
to control a second Postfix instance that will be started locally to pickup
any remaining mails once the partner machine dies.


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