On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 05:43:30AM +0200, johan van der merwe wrote:

> according to this site http://www.spamhaus.org/query/ip/
> my internet IP was blacklisted.

Which in turn refers to the CBL:


which reports:

    IP Address is listed in the CBL. It appears to
    be infected with a spam sending trojan, proxy or some other
    form of botnet.

    It was last detected at 2014-03-24 16:00 GMT (+/- 30 minutes),
    approximately 2 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes ago.

    This IP is infected (or NATting for a computer that is infected)
    with a spam-sending infection. In other words, it's participating
    in a botnet. If you simply remove the listing without ensuring
    that the infection is removed (or the NAT secured), it will
    probably relist again.

So you have a malware, open-proxy or similar problem to clean up.

Do not just click on the de-listing link, that'll just make the
real problem harder to solve later, and you'll likely be re-listed


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