On 3/11/2014 3:16 PM, Denny Fuchs wrote:
> hi,
> we want to create a restricted relay for our campus, which allows only 
> internal relaying, based on $mynetwork or pcre. Looking for the domain part 
> isn’t a way, because we have some subdomains which has (for example) Google 
> as primary MX. Should it working with smtpd_recipient_restrictions  / 
> smtpd_sender_restrictions and $mynetwork?  
> We have Postfix 2.9.6
> cu denny

Use a restriction class. Here's a similar example:

The example restricts by sender address. Replace the
check_sender_access map with a check_client_access map to restrict
by client IP or verified client hostname.

  -- Noel Jones

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