On Mar 9, 2014, at 8:11 PM, Viktor Dukhovni <postfix-us...@dukhovni.org> wrote:
> What you want is impossible for architectural reasons. 

Ok, thank you for the explanation.

> The handling of such lists with Postfix is best performed via the
> local(8) delivery agent. 

I guess I'm not yet thinking "the Postfix way", but how would you configure the 
lists if I have multiple e.g. i...@example.com -type lists? 
If I understand it correctly, local delivery agent only searches aliases with 
the local part of the address, that is delivering to a local user. So, the only 
options I come up with are:

1) a postfix instance per recipient domain
2) configure aliases info-example-com and info-another-domain and so on, that 
is a dummy "local" address for each "virtual" list and then configure 
corresponding owner-info-example-com aliases, and use expand_owner_alias to 
hide the intermediate local addresses.

First one cumbersome and exactly the problem virtual(8) solves. The second one 
is a realistic option although not very clean in the ldap directory.

  Eino Tuominen

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