On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 09:16:56AM +0100, Peer Heinlein wrote: > > Fifth option (best): short queue life time, to that Postfix does > > not give up after the first MX host failure... > > ...but to that Postfix will start having Problems with Greylistung and > that makes Postfix bouncing mails even in case of REAL temporarily > failures of the destination server.
Why is notification of delay due to lack of transport security not acceptable, while delay for other reasons (remote system down and never coming back, address typo results in mail adddressed to parked domain, ...) is acceptable? There are lots of reasons for mail to linger in the queue and eventually bounce. Implementing delay notices is the right way to let the sender know that their message may not get through. If you set the delay notice time, or if you prefer maximum queue lifetime, sufficiently high, you will rarely run into greylisting related problems. minimal_backoff_time = 225s maximal_backoff_time = 1h delay_warning_time = 2h # or instead: # maximal_queue_lifetime = 4h It is a mistake to apply a mandatory transport encryption policy to destinations that don't implement TLS. What is the user supposed to do when the mail bounces or they get a delay notice? You probably need a log watcher that detects mail to new TLS-capable domains, and applies the right mandatory security settings when opportunistic TLS is consistently successful for some time. You likewise need to revert back to opportunistic TLS when mandatory TLS fails consistently to previously reachable domains, this could involve a notification system to a human operator who determines why TLS is failing (what changed) and whether to relax the policy. Ideally, domains losing TLS capability will be a relatively infrequent event. -- Viktor.