Peer Heinlein:
> I'm thinking about a way how to bounce mails manually *without* setting
> up a transport-map. Just bei CLI by the admin for a given Queue-ID.
> I'd love having a postsuper-commando to move a mail into "the bounce
> queue". Is something like that possible?

That would require infrastructure that does not exist at this time.
And in order to be part of Postfix it would have to be useful for
more than one person.

I don't know what people are asking for:

1 - Bounce all recipients of one specific queue file? That can be
    done with a small program.

2 - Bouncing only specific recipients is more work, and it requires
    a different program than the one in the previous paragraph which
    bounces all recipients.

Case 1 can be augmented with a script that parses mailq output and
that makes a selection based on sender, recipient or other attibute.


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