> From: owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org [mailto:owner-postfix-
> us...@postfix.org] On Behalf Of Wietse Venema
> Juerg Reimann:
> > !/^From:.*<.*@.*>/  REJECT No valid sender email address in mail header
> As documented that will match ALL message headers except From:
>    !/pattern/flags action
>         When /pattern/ does not match the input string, execute the cor-
>         responding action.
> As documented the result of one header (non)match has no effect
> on other header (non)matches:
>    Each message header or message body line is compared against a list of
>    patterns.   When a match is found the corresponding action is executed,
>    and the matching process is repeated for the  next  message  header or
>    message body line.
> In other words, if you still follow this, there is no way to match
> something that doesn't exist. Use a real spam filter for that.
>       Wietse

I see...thanks!

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