Em 06/01/2014 13:12, Roland Plüss escreveu:
A couple of days ago my mail server got attacked by a spammer. As it
looks like he managed to compromise the password of one of the users on
the system and SASL authenticated using the account to send spam. I
blocked the attacking IP and changed the password of the affected user.
Still the spammer managed to send out quite a lot of mails because due
to permit_sasl_authenticated letting him pass by. Now to deal with this
situation in the future I would like to automatically lock down an
account if an unusual amount of mails are sent like 60 per minute or so.
I could though not figure out if postfix is able to do this or how to
get this done. Any ideas?

Hi Roland,
Maybe you can check this script:


    _    Engº Julio Cesar Covolato
   0v0   <ju...@psi.com.br>
  /(_)\  F: 55-11-3129-3366

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