On 2013-12-10 10:28 AM, Giles Coochey <gi...@coochey.net> wrote:
Personally, it seems to me that if company A (that is an all
Microsoft/Exchange shop) wants to buy company B, that is not using
Exchange (say, uses SOGo, with clients being able to choose between
Outlook or Thunderbird for their desktop client), whether or not
company B is using Exchange on the backend would be a very minor
detail - as company A could always simply migrate company B to
Exchange after hey bought them. In fact, it might even make it
easier, since, instead of trying to integrate an existing foreign
Exchange system into their existing one, they could simply migrate
the emails and users into their existing system
Having worked for a company on Exchange, that got bought out by a
company on Notes, that then got bought out by a bigger fish on
Exchange I can say that it is a very valid question to ask during the
due diligence activities prior to M&A's taking place!!!
Meaning? I didn't say it was an invalid question to ask...
You disagree with my opinion that being on open source software (that
uses a simple IMAP server like dovecot) for mail access would actually
probably be *easier* to merge into their existing Exchange ecosystem
than an existing foreign Exchange Server setup?
Best regards,