On 06-12-2013 12:01, Robert Sander wrote:
On 06.12.2013 10:13, Andreas Kasenides wrote:
The scenario is a classic one:
1. one or more relay SMTP servers in DMZ
2. one or more backend SMTP servers on the inside network
3. There may or may not be separate incoming or outgoing designated
Now the desired functionality is (of course):
1. relay machines receive messages from outside AND inside
2. relays check for all the bad things (spam, viruses etc).
3. for incoming messages relays check for valid local users and reject
messages for invalid users
Have a look at verify(8) and the address_verify_* variables in main.cf
With this you can dynamically verify recipients on your backend SMTP
Thank you for the lead. I did not know that verify can be used in this
I will try it.