>On 2013-09-20 09:42, azurIt wrote:
>> i'm having problems with spam forwarding - lot's of our users enabled
>> forwarding to gmail and every spam they receive is also forwarded.
>> Today gmail block us because of spam (which we were just forwarding,
>> not sending). Any tips how can i disable forwarding in case of a spam
>> (for example, when message has X-Spam-Status: Yes) ? Thanks.
>You may first want to look at why you are receiving the spam in the 
>first place and not rejecting it.  There are many ways to fight this, 
>much of which will come down to what your policies are regarding 
>rejecting mail, false positives, etc.
>You could always turn off the ability of your users to forward mail to 
>other services, problem solved.

This is not an option, we are offering commercial services and users demands 
this feature.

>If you absolutely must be able to forward mail, then you will want to 
>work with Google so they understand what you are doing, and allow this 
>mail to pass without blocking your system.  But I would still work on 
>blocking the spam from being received in the first place.

Blocking emails based on spam filters are always wrong. Spam recognition will 
NEVER be 100%, there are always false positives. We are accepting all emails 
and filter them after. I just need to tell Postfix to NOT forward particular 
messages and only deliver them locally (for example, as mentioned before, based 
on headers).


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