Previous to Postfix 2.10 and the split between smtpd_relay_restrictions and
smtpd_recipient_restrictions, our policy service check was in
smtpd_recipient_restrictions, and applied to both incoming and outgoing
mail. With 2.10, in my efforts to do things correctly, I have left the
policy service on port 25 with smtpd_recipient_restrictions, but for the
submission port I have:
-o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=
to strip it out. However, one of the things the policy service
(cluebringer/cpbolicyd) offers is rate limiting, which some clients want to
implement on their outgoing email.
Now, I could modify so it has:
-o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=<policy service bits>
but I was wondering if, for the submission port, there was a different
recommended method.
Quanah Gibson-Mount
Lead Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration